Please note: Loftia's Alpha playtests will only be available to backers of our Kickstarter from August 2023, and BackerKit pre-orders.
Both the Kickstarter and BackerKit are now closed. Our Early Access will be available for everybody to play, in late 2025. You can wishlist Loftia on Steam to be notified when we launch!
If you have any issues, please contact [email protected] for assistance.
There are 2 options to choose from when it comes to accessing the Alpha playtests: via Steam, and directly downloading the installer. If you plan to play on a Mac, please choose Steam, as during Alpha, the installer will only support Windows.
Aside from Windows vs Mac, whether you connect via Steam or direct download will not have an impact on your gameplay experience - you'll still be connecting into the same world, with the exact same build, and playing together with all the same people!